Dostop do naslova je zaščiten
Možni razlogi za obvestilo 403 so ponavadi:
- direktorij (ali URL naslov) je varovan s strežniško konfiguracijo,
- direktorij (ali URL naslov) je zavarovan z direktivo v ".htaccess" datoteki te strani,
- direktorij ne vsebuje indeksne datoteke ("index.php", "index.html"), če naprimer spletna stran še ni naložena na paket,
- datoteke in/ali mape imajo napačna dovoljenja.
Access to URL is forbidden
Possible reasons for 403 message are:
- folder (or URL address) is protected by the webserver configuration,
- folder (or URL address) is protected by the ".htaccess" file,
- folder doesn't contain an index file ("index.php", "index.html"), usually if website hasn't been uploaded yet,
- there is an issue with file / folder permissions.